Shelflife #SneakOfTheMonth – June 2018

We’re now officially halfway through 2018… Crazy right? But the sneaker train isn’t slowing down any time soon, and I’m pretty sure the legends over at Shelflife are going to keep on depleting my bank balance with the beauties they’re getting in!

I’ve been a Nike boy for some time now, but over the last few months the folks over at Adidas have really started to up their game. There’s a lot of really dope stuff coming out from the brand, and I’ve picked another one of their designs for my Shelflife #SneakOfTheMonth for June.

Make sure you keep your eyes peeled next month because I’ll be giving away R1000 worth of vouchers on my Twitter account to try and improve your sneaker game, and there’s some KILLER stock coming in at the store this month that’s going to blow your mind. ?

Anyway, let’s get into this, my #SneakOfTheMonth is:

Parley x Adidas UltraBOOST Clima


So you might remember that I actually picked this model as a #SneakOfTheMonth earlier this year, and got a pair for myself because I liked them that much. These ones are just as cool, and have a really great back story too – those of you that know Parley will know why.


So if you didn’t know, Adidas Parley is the official collab between Adidas and Parley for the Oceans. PftO are an environmental organization that addresses environmental threats towards the oceans through ocean plastic pollution. Because of that, these sneakers are made with recycled plastic and are doff of the cap to the issues in the world at present. The light blue also looks dope. ?


My Take: 10/10
How can I not give full marks to a sneaker that is environmentally friendly and still looks this fly? To be honest, if I hadn’t already bought the triple white ones then I’d have gone and bought these ones for myself too. The blue really pops and I just love the general design of the shoe anyway.

SNEAK FACT!! – These sneakers are crafted using Parley Ocean Plastic that has been upcycled from plastic intercepted on beaches and in coastal communities that’s intercepted before it reaches the ocean.

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